Ant Infestations – How Quick Home Remedies Can Make Your Problem Worse
3 Common Mistakes Okanagan Homeowners Make Many homeowners are smart enough to pick up the phone and call a professional when they discover obvious signs of [...]
BugMaster in the News!
Today Bugmaster was featured on Global News. Get more information on rodents in the Okanagan. Contact Us: 250-826-8430
How Rodents Can Ruin Your Home
Your home is so much more than a simple structure where you store your personal items and rest. A home is where you should feel safe, [...]
A Mouse in the Motor – How to Protect Your Vehicles from Rodents
All animals, including humans, have four basic survival needs: air, water, food and living space. However big or small we are, we [...]
Year Round Pest Control from BugMaster
It may be the holiday season, but bugs don't go on vacation. Come rain or shine, or snow, bugs can strike any time of the year. [...]
Wash, Spray, or Burn – The Ways and Means of Eliminating Bed Bugs
Bed bugs continue to be a biting problem in the Okanagan, with large buildings and hotels particularly difficult to treat. Infestations are on the rise, especially around the [...]